Sage supports grants for medical education, patient education, and patient advocacy that accelerates personalized, evidence-based learning that apply clinical science into practice and elevated patient care. Our grant funding is available for independent, fair and balanced, scientifically accurate educational initiatives that adhere to our application requirements.
Full grant request details are noted below, including more information on patient advocacy and medical education programs.
About Grants
To be considered for a grant, the following criteria must be met:
- Grant requests must be unsolicited and must not provide nor promise any tangible benefit to Sage.
- Grant requests for support of educational programs with multiple funding sources are preferred.
- Grant requests must be submitted for a future project or program.
- Funding amounts must be reasonable for the activities proposed and grant funds must only be used for the expenses described in the grant request and the approved agreement.
- Funding is permitted only to legally established organizations; a grant cannot be provided to individuals.
- Requesting organization and grant request must be in full compliance with all regional and local codes, laws, and industry regulations, including, but not limited to anti-corruption, transparency and privacy laws, and regulations.
- Requesting organization must include the organization’s annual operating expenses (total reportable expenses). The annual operating costs, which must be from the last fiscal year, will be compared to the total funding provided to the requesting organization by Sage on a rolling twelve (12) month-basis.
- Requesting organization must verify how funds were used for all Sage supported activities.
Funding Requirements
Sage will conduct appropriate due diligence on all requesting organizations and grant requests. Sage reserves the right to deny any grant request that does not meet eligibility requirements. Sage must not provide any substantive input or assistance to a requesting organization in drafting or submitting a grant request. Sage may modify the grant application and eligibility requirements at any time.
Funding Limitations & Restrictions
Funding must not be used for:
- Travel, lodging, or registration expenses for non-faculty healthcare professionals to attend a program
- Operating expenses that are not directly and exclusively dedicated to the project or program (e.g. equipment, salaries, overhead, benefits, journal subscriptions, etc.)
- Meals, unless the meal is part of the program and offered to all program attendees
- Support of a promotional exhibit or display space/fees (requests for exhibit fees should be submitted as a Sponsorship request)
- Stand-alone entertainment or social events
- Staff/professional development
- Advertising space
- Programs that take place in a location or venue that detract from the educational activity’s primary purpose
Review Process & Decision
Sage has a formal, centralized grant review and decision-making process. Several factors are considered during this process including, but not limited to:
- Alignment to educational areas of interest
- Project or program format
- Needs assessment summary
- Educational/grant objectives
- Target learners/participants
- Funding amount requested
- Proposed project or program outcomes (effectiveness)
Funding decisions for grants are based on the quality of the proposal, alignment with our grant strategy, and budget availability. Decision notifications will be communicated in writing by Sage Funding & Giving. No other Sage employee is authorized to provide this information.
All recipient organizations must abide by the terms and conditions as outlined in the Letter of Agreement (LOA). The LOA is issued electronically to an authorized signatory of the organization once a request is approved. A fully executed LOA is required prior to the start of the project or program. Payment will be issued upon execution of the LOA.
Program Execution
Recipient organizations shall acknowledge support from Sage in a non-promotional manner as permitted by local codes, laws, and regulations. Changes to an awarded grant (e.g., format, dates, audience), must be reviewed and approved by Sage prior to the start of the project or program. To determine if funding may continue, organizations should submit the proposed changes to for review. Organizations may be asked to provide status updates and outcomes/progress reports throughout the course of the project or program's implementation.
Within 60 days of the request end date, recipient organizations must complete a reconciliation confirming funding was used appropriately as described in the request and LOA and that the grant objectives were achieved. An organization’s failure to appropriately submit a reconciliation by the due date may delay or prohibit future funding of applications.
Patient Advocacy Grants
Sage recognizes the essential role patient advocacy groups play in making a positive, lasting impact for people with life-altering brain health disorders. Sage supports the work of patient advocacy organizations that align with our areas of focus and strategy.
Patient advocacy areas of interest:
- Postpartum Depression
- Huntington's Disease
- Alzheimer's Disease
Patient advocacy grants are accepted on a rolling basis.
Medical Education Grants
Sage is not currently accepting Medical Education Grant proposals. Please check back for information about Medical Education Grant opportunities.